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Happy Holidays
Red Fabric

The Property Masters Guild wishes everyone a happy and festive holiday season!



On this episode of Prop Talk, we sit down with PMG Property Master Robbie Duncan and Key On Set Assistant Property Master Butch Kitchen to discuss their experience working together on many projects and the importance of a strong relationship between the Prop Master and Assistant Property Master. We also go over the Benefits of having mentors to be able to come up under. 


Winter 2024 Issue

Dean Eilertson discusses the extensive preparation required for Shōgun. We sit down with Propstore to discuss what happens to props after filmmaking concludes. And much more!



View the award recipients and nominees from the inaugural MacGuffin Awards, the only award show to honor the artistic achievements of Property Masters. Check back soon for details about submitting your show to the 2025 awards.


Why prop design is so important in Apple TV's Severance

Why prop design is so important in Apple TV's Severance


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Interested in knowing how the meetings and workings of the Guild, IATSE and most organizations function? Check out this free members-exclusive class.



The Guild regularly hosts events for members and non-members around the world. Check back often to see upcoming events.



Have you seen Darcine's Day, a short film make by Property Master Aaron Goffman? Check out his work here.


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The entertainment industry can be an insanely stressful place to work.


The PMG offers programs to share resources, build a private support network, and provide a place for film workers to seek personalized aid and management strategies.

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The Property Masters Guild exists to elevate the work of prop departments and empower its members through shared knowledge and experience so they can perform their job to the highest professional standard. Join the Guild and help create a strong craft for working and future generations of Property Masters.

Join The Guild


"A skilled Property Master only adds to the excellence of a production and an actor's performance. In front of and behind the camera I've had the great fortune to work with the best."

— Milo Ventimiglia, Actor

The Divide


“The Property Master cuts through the red tape to make the production run smoother. I am happy to support The Property Masters Guild on their journey.”

— James Burrows, Director

Will & Grace


"A Prop Master is an actor’s dance partner. Props themselves are the Property Master’s proxy in the dance. A well-chosen, well-executed, and well-functioning prop provides an actor with a tangible and fundamental connection to the actual world. Props facilitate an actor’s connection to physical action, to “doing,” hopefully allowing the actor’s “being” to shine through.”

— Michael C. Hall, Actor



"People say that when an actor puts on their costume it elevates their performance. I feel the same way about the props a Property Master brings to the game. The many choices they bring, every detailed item they contribute, gives comfort to the actors, aiding them in the discovery of the characters they play. The right prop in the hands of the right actor is a treasure to behold.”

— Danny DeVito, Actor

Batman Returns


“Props are an invaluable part of the storytelling process. As an actor they are an extension of your character. The right prop can help the audience better understand who the character is or further explain the moment without prose. A character eating on fine china versus a paper plate tells you a lot about who they are."

— Regina King, Actress, Director, Producer



“Property Masters are the unsung heroes of production because of the amount of detail they put into their craft that speaks to the authenticity of any character and scene. That said, it's a very special part of the filmmaking process that we take seriously on all of our projects.“

— Deniese Davis, Producer



"Property Masters are my partners. They're telling the story right alongside me. Every time I've ever Directed, I've been stunned - literally - by the thousands of smart and artful choices they make, things I hadn't thought of. It is their set as much as mine, and I would be lost without them."

— Billy Ray, Director & Writer

Secrets In Their Eyes


"In cinema, the curation of props is as critical as the casting of actors.  The art of the Property Master is as important as any other role in the collaborative medium.  Imagine your favorite films, but randomly swap out all objects those characters interact with.  It would be like recasting the movie.  Props are the result of incredible talent, countless hours, and teams of artists working to make them seem — like a great performance — inevitable." 

— JJ Abrams, Director 

The Force Awakens


"Many don't realize that the Property Master is an actor's go-to person from the start of a picture to the finish. Property Masters are present at the earliest stages of a character's creation, providing endless variations of everything from sunglasses to cell phones. Each piece they provide is invaluable in helping an actor not only craft the reality of their part but provide ideas on performance. They should change the job description to – Property Master -- "What The Hell Would We Do Without You?” -- because that's what a difference a Property Master makes!"

— Renee Russo, Actress

In the Line of Fire


"A good Property Master is akin to a good Costume Designer. They are collaborators with the Actor on creating the character. As time goes on, the collaboration can become more fruitful. The needs, likes and dislikes of personal props become intuitive and creative. Such is the terrific collaboration I have had over many years on a number of series." 

— Miguel Sandoval, Actor and Director

In the Line of Fire


"The relationship between an actor and the Property Master is an important one. Essentially, everything we hold, eat, shoot, use, fire, and otherwise engage with on camera is provided by the Props Department and each and every item is carefully curated to help tell the story. For the Property Master, every aspect of the character, the world they are living in, the story that is being told and actor themselves is taken into consideration. It’s an all-encompassing job that requires intimate collaboration with every other department on set. For actors, having a great relationship with the Property Master is invaluable." 

— Kerri Kenney, Actress

Miracle Workers


"Property Masters are in many ways magicians, required to produce almost any item you can think of on a moment's notice -- and give you a choice while they're at it.  They're researchers and manufacturers and experts in almost every discipline and direction that today's stories take us. One overlooked part of the job is the critical part they play in keeping sets safe.  With the increasing demands of action pictures and rising risk of danger, Property Masters can mean the difference between getting the shot and not going home." 

— Dan Gilroy, Director

Velvet Buzzsaw


"Little details make a character, and a good props department can help you illuminate character traits and details that play into not only your own interpretation of character, but your audiences subconscious understanding as well.  A Property Master can take “generic” to “individual” with a small detail on your backpack or purse, a specific color wallet, an enameled cane, or a type of glasses. In film or on the stage, random is not interesting. Specific and thought-out props are one of many elements that lead to excellence.   I will ALWAYS be proud to be a prop tart!"

— Marcia Gay Harden, Actress

So Help Me Todd


"Whether dreaming up and fabricating a weapon from the future, or the contents of a 1930s briefcase, or food and drink for a bombastic medieval bacchanal, the Property Master is responsible for the fine tuning of performances by creating and collecting the wide range of character details encompassed by everything an actor touches on screen. Through the process of research, development, fabrication, and very specific narrative choices, Property Masters work with Actors, Directors, and Production Designers to shape the finishing visual touches to storylines and characterizations."

— Nelson Coates, Production Designer

Crazy Rich Asians



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